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Zdravlje i dobro
Ako ne odvojite vrijeme za wellness , bit ćete prisiljeni odvojiti vrijeme za svoju bolest .
Dr. Ken D Berry, dr. Med
Dr. Allen Mandell, DC
Dr. Eric Berg, DC
Bob i Brad, fiz. Terapeuti
Dr. Ken D Berry, dr. Med
Dr. Allen Mandell, DC
Dr. Eric Berg, DC
Bob i Brad, fiz. Terapeuti
Dr. Ken D Berry, dr. Med
Dr. Allen Mandell, DC
Dr. Eric Berg, DC
Bob i Brad, fiz. Terapeuti
Eight Dimensions
When we think of health or wellness, we tend to think of how we feel when we aren't sick or hurting. However, the World Health Organization defines wellness as much more than that: “Wellness is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”
College & Career Ready Labs easily lays out eight different dimensions of wellness for us, which we should focus on and take care of in order to keep not only our physical bodies healthy, but our minds, our connections with others, and the flow of our functioning lives in daily society.
Each of these dimensions are equally important; so, practicing balance between the eight of them is the key to achieving overall health and happiness. Focus on your dimensions as often as possible when you find you are utilizing them, and always find opportunities to grow, even when it's hard or you have to admit you might be lacking. By improving these areas, you will find that you can improve your overall quality of life.
The first dimension is the Emotional dimension, in which we are aware of the way we are feeling and keep those around us looped in as well. Healthy communication with ourselves and others regarding our feelings is a great way to achieve not only emotional regulation and growth, but receive the support you need from those you love. It is also important to note when we are feeling stressed and to take time for self-care.
The eighth dimension is the Spiritual dimension, in which we reject
distractions such as social media and false realities, and instead focus on our connections with nature or religion. It is important to identify what values and beliefs you uphold so you can surround yourself with people who identify with them as well and practice mindfulness.
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